

985 Uppsatser om Foreign Accounts Tax Compliance Act - Sida 1 av 66

Rättigheter vid informationsutbyte i spåren av FATCA

I detta examensarbete analyseras om elektroniska fastighetsköp är framtiden i Sverige. Analysen genomförs genom en komparativ studie av den svenska respektive den finska lagstiftningen för fastighetsköp, ansökan om lagfart och ansökan om inteckning. För att besvara den övergripande frågeställningen besvaras ett flertal delfrågor, däribland om formkravets syfte och ändamål uppnås om elektroniska fastighetsköp införs. I examensarbetet konstateras att nuvarande bestämmelser förvisso är fungerande, men att ett flertal positiva följder inträder om elektroniska fastighetsköp införs. Som exempel underlättas parternas upprättande av köpehandlingen.

Compliance hos njurtransplanterade

Bakgrund: Att följa restriktioner gällande livsstil, och att ta mediciner som ordinerat, är nödvändigt för att en njurtransplanterad patient ska bibehålla funktion i den transplanterade njuren. Inom sjukvården benämns detta beteende för compliance. Non-compliance hos njurtransplanterade rapporteras i studier uppgå till 43 %. Non-compliance rapporteras öka risken för avstötning av njuren med upp till sju gånger för en patient med låg compliance, jämfört med en patient med hög compliance. Syfte: Syftet med aktuell litteraturstudie är att belysa faktorer som påverkar en vuxen njurtransplanterad patients compliance.

Vad påverkar compliance vid ortodontisk behandling med avtagbar apparatur och hur kan den förbättras? - en litteraturöversikt

Mål: Målet med arbetet var att undersöka varför vissa patienter har bättre compliance vid ortodontisk behandling än andra och vad som kan förbättra compliance. Detta för att möjliggöra utarbetningen av en framtida metod som skulle kunna upptäcka non-compliers innan behandlingsstart och därigenom kunna ge dem en mer effektiv behandling. Enskilda prediktorer för compliance och deras relativa påverkan på compliance undersöktes också. Metod: Artiklar samlades in via en sökning i databaserna PubMed och Cochrane med hjälp av MeSH-termer. Dessa lästes sedan igenom och för undersökningen relevanta artiklar togs fram med hjälp av exklusions- och inklusionskriterier. Resultat: Övervakning av patienters användning av sin apparatur med hjälp av timermodul ökar compliance över tiden. Lägre ålder på patienten samt dennes relation till sina föräldrar och deras engagemang i behandlingen påverkade compliance positivt, liksom kortare behandlingstid. Slutsats: Det går med nuvarande forskningsunderlag inte att förutsäga compliance på ett pålitligt sätt.

Shame on you! A study of how individuals handle the feeling of shame.

The aim with this thesis was to acquire an understanding for how individuals handle the feeling of shame in connection with cultural consumption. In order to capture the feeling of shame we developed an interview method called the Backstabber interview technique. We found that the Backstabber interview technique successfully triggered feelings of shame in connection to cultural consumption, which made it possible for us to study the handling of shame. We found that our respondents tended to use different forms of accounts in order to handle the feeling of shame. We categorized them into five accounts with relating sub-accounts.

USA:s förändrade Europapolitik USA: EU-politik sedan kalla krigets slut. En utrikespolitisk förändring i stil eller substans?

This thesis aims to describe and characterise the foreign policy change the United States has experienced towards Europe. This thesis claims that the United States is presenting a more supportive attitude today towards the development of the European Union. This more positive attitude has developed during successive U.S. administrations and has become visible since the end of the Cold War.Washington is today less ambiguous and less ambivalent towards the integration of Europe. The United States appreciate that a common foreign- and security policy in Europe is in accordance with American interests.

Det Nya Ryssland : En inblick över Rysslands utrikespolitik under 2000-talet.

Title: Det nya Ryssland - En inblick over Rysslands utrikespolitik under 2000-taletAuthor: Tim Balder and Jens KindhLinnaeus UniversityDepartment of Political ScienceAutumn term 2011The purpose of this thesis is to gain a better understanding of how the Russian foreign policy is, how it is conducted and how it may develop in the future. To do that, we are going to try to answer the following questions:What characterizes Russia's official foreign policy?What theories are there for the Russian foreign policy?How can the various theories explain the Russian foreign policy actions at the international level?Our theory is to try explaining how the Russian foreign policy is continuing its development during the 21st century through three theories known as the Western liberalism, Pragmatic nationalism and Fundamental nationalism. Furthermore, to explain Russia's foreign policy and their behaviour, we are going to use the two foreign policy doctrines from 2000 and 2008. In addition, books and articles will also be used to explain how Russia's foreign policy is conducted and developed..

Webbaserad träning ? en modell skapad för att öka compliance inom rehabilitering av hund

The aim of the present literature study was to define and describe the area ?compliance in veterinary medicine? (i.e. the way treatment recommendations are being performed) and discuss the factors that influence the level of compliance. Based on the findings, a model that intended to increase compliance in orthopedic postoperative rehabilitation of dogs was designed. In the daily work as a veterinary nurse it is essential that one provides the best possible care to the animals from the beginning to the end of the treatment.

Vänner eller Fiender? - Förändringar i Thailands utrikespolitik gentemot Burma

This Master Thesis investigates changes in Thailand's foreign policy towards its neighbouring country Burma. It argues that Thai foreign policy towards Burma has experienced major changes during four periods between 1945 and the present. The thesis investigates these foreign policy changes during the four periods. What changes occurred? What were the reasons for the changes? What reasons dominated during what periods? The four periods of Thai foreign policy changes towards Burma and the common history of the two countries since their respective foundations does not suggest a stable peaceful relationship or a bitter hostile relationship leading to war.

Compliance vid amblyopibehandling : barns och föräldrars perspektiv

Bakgrund: Under första levnadsåren kan ett öga utveckla en synnedsättning beroende på att ögats synintryck hindras, amblyopi, vilket drabbar sex procent av alla barn. Amblyopi behandlas genom korrigering av brytningsfel med glasögon och/eller lappbehandling. Efter sju års ålder är det vanligen svårt att förbättra synen i ett amblyopt öga.  För att barnet ska uppnå optimal synskärpa är det viktigt att vårdgivaren har kunskaper om compliance och att givna ordinationer följs. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att ur ett barn- och föräldraperspektiv belysa faktorer som är av betydelse för compliance vid behandling av barn med amblyopi.

Svensk vapenexport - varför (inte)? : En undersökning av för- och motargument till Sveriges export av krigsmateriel

Title: Det nya Ryssland - En inblick over Rysslands utrikespolitik under 2000-taletAuthor: Tim Balder and Jens KindhLinnaeus UniversityDepartment of Political ScienceAutumn term 2011The purpose of this thesis is to gain a better understanding of how the Russian foreign policy is, how it is conducted and how it may develop in the future. To do that, we are going to try to answer the following questions:What characterizes Russia's official foreign policy?What theories are there for the Russian foreign policy?How can the various theories explain the Russian foreign policy actions at the international level?Our theory is to try explaining how the Russian foreign policy is continuing its development during the 21st century through three theories known as the Western liberalism, Pragmatic nationalism and Fundamental nationalism. Furthermore, to explain Russia's foreign policy and their behaviour, we are going to use the two foreign policy doctrines from 2000 and 2008. In addition, books and articles will also be used to explain how Russia's foreign policy is conducted and developed..

Preoperativ fasta

Preoperativ fasta är väsentlig för den anestesiologiska säkerheten. Det ärviktigt att både patienter och personal följer de nationella rekommendationersom finns angående fastans duration, då en för kort eller för lång fasta kanförsämra de perioperativa förutsättningarna för patienten. Syftet med dennapilotstudie var att kartlägga elektiva patienters compliance till lokalarekommendationer angående preoperativ fasta. I syfte att testa metodengjordes en pilotstudie med fem semistrukturerade intervjuer. Den insamladedatan bearbetades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys.

Intressenters agerande ? vid ett undantag från revisionsplikt för små aktiebolag

Ever since Sweden joined EU on the 1st of January 1995 the auditing is regulated not only by our Swedish laws but also by EG:s directives. In the fourth directive the member states are given a possibility to dispense small companies from the duty to audit the accounts. It is up to every member state to decide whether they want to dispense the small companies or not and today Sweden is one of few member states who does not. The purpose of this essay was to describe how lenders and Skatteverket will act in case of a dispensation for small companies from the duty to audit the accounts. The study has been carried out by interviewing four lenders and Skatteverket. The study shows that the lenders and Skatteverkets acting in case of a dispensation for small companies from the duty to audit the accounts will part from each others. While the lenders stand before a big change Skatteverkets work will be next to unaltered. Half the lenders think that they will continue to demand that the companies? accounts be audited.

Intressenters agerande ? vid ett undantag från revisionsplikt för små aktiebolag

Ever since Sweden joined EU on the 1st of January 1995 the auditing is regulated not only by our Swedish laws but also by EG:s directives. In the fourth directive the member states are given a possibility to dispense small companies from the duty to audit the accounts. It is up to every member state to decide whether they want to dispense the small companies or not and today Sweden is one of few member states who does not.The purpose of this essay was to describe how lenders and Skatteverket will act in case of a dispensation for small companies from the duty to audit the accounts. The study has been carried out by interviewing four lenders and Skatteverket.The study shows that the lenders and Skatteverkets acting in case of a dispensation for small companies from the duty to audit the accounts will part from each others. While the lenders stand before a big change Skatteverkets work will be next to unaltered.Half the lenders think that they will continue to demand that the companies? accounts be audited.

Personvalet i det mångkulturella samhället : En studie av personvalets betydelse för kandidater med utländsk bakgrund

The purpose of this essay is to examine the importance of personal election for candidates of foreign background. I made this, first, by map and comparing the candidates of foreign background in the recent Swedish and Finnish parliamentary election. Second, I analyze what conceptions candidates of foreign background, who was nominated in the 2006 municipal election in Örebro, have about the personal election. The result from the first study shows that personal election had a negative impact on candidates of foreign background in both the Swedish and Finnish parliamentary elections. The result from the second study shows that candidates of foreign background have both positive and negative conceptions about the personal election.

Följsamhet till handhygien : En litteraturstudie

Background Nightingale attention that hygiene was an important task to prevent health- related infection. Today there are guidelines how hand hygiene should be followed, to prevent health- related infection. Good knowledge and education in hand hygiene and its consequences if it?s not followed is of great importance. Hand hygiene should be performed before and after the clean and the unclean work with patients and materials.

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